

Various drips
Beauty oral medicine
Cosmetic Procedure
AGA treatment
Our recommended drips

Exosome (stem cell culture supernatant) drip] High Concentration Factor 9

“Stem cell culture supernatant” is the clear liquid secreted from the upper layer of the precipitate when stem cells are cultured.
It contains thousands of growth factors (physiologically active substances) such as exosomes and cytokines, which can be expected to produce the same effect as stem cells. Through the action of exosomes, effects such as cell activation, promotion of tissue regeneration, and improvement of blood circulation can be expected. In cooperation with a GMP-compliant cell processing center in China, we have independently developed an exosome (stem cell culture supernatant), which is named “High Concentration Factor 9” and is used in the form of a drip.

  • People who are worried about aging and want to become younger
  • People who sleep lightly and are physically tired, and want to prevent future illnesses.


66,000 yen ~ 330,000 yen

About the treatment

Number of treatments

Approximately once every two weeks

Possible side effects and risks during use

  • Results are not always guaranteed. The possibility of causing worsening of the original disease cannot be denied.
  • Various allergic reactions, cytokine storms
Although the frequency and extent are unknown, localized or systemic allergic reactions, etc., may result.
Since it is difficult to predict allergic reactions, etc., in advance, please report any discomfort (itching sensation, rash, feeling of difficulty breathing, headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, muscle pain, susceptibility to irritation, etc.) noticed during use to a staff member. Stop this treatment as soon as possible for proper examination and treatment by a doctor.

Unknown risks

The supernatant has been fully examined and manufactured with maximum safety in mind; however, because it is equivalent to a research reagent at this stage, unknown side effects and the effects of long-term use have not been fully explored. The risk of transmission of infectious diseases posed by the use of human tissue as raw material cannot be completely ruled out.
Do not use the supernatant for treatment of people who are concerned about unknown risks. Unexpected side effects may occur when used with drips other than supernatant.

In the case of drip administration,

  • a slight pain can be felt when the drip needle is inserted.
  • It may not be able to be inserted if the blood vessels are very thin. You may also be referred for other treatments.
  • The injected portion may produce internal bleeding, redness, swelling, tightness, heat, hardness, and injection marks.
  • In rare cases, inadequate compression may cause internal bleeding, swelling, or numbness.

In the case of subcutaneous injections

  • There is a possibility of nodules (lumps), etc.

NMN is a vitamin-like ingredient called “nicotinamide mononucleotide”. NMN is produced naturally in the body, but the amount produced decreases with age, leading to accelerated aging such as a decline in physical and cognitive functions.

When NMN is absorbed into the body, it is converted into a substance called “NAD+,” which activates the sirtuin gene, known as the “rejuvenation gene” or “longevity gene.
By administering NMN directly to the body through drips, the aging process can be slowed down and the body can be kept young and healthy.

  • People who have recently become easily fatigued
  • People with reduced attention span
  • People who want to become younger
  • People who want to prevent physical decline


300mg 28,000 yen (first price only)
500mg 45,000 yen (first price only)

※Maximum of 1000 ml 28,000 yen ~ 90,000 yen

Treatment interval

Approximately once every two weeks

Risks - side effects

Vascular pain during drip

The treatment is a non-domestic approved drug-device, or a non-approved use for a domestically approved drug-device: not domestically approved. In rare cases, it can cause shock, anaphylactic reactions, etc.

Other drips

Vitamin C has the effect of inhibiting melanin production, promoting collagen synthesis, and inhibiting oxidation. Injecting a high concentration of vitamin C into the blood vessels can effectively cause it to spread throughout the body, achieving the effects of skin beautification, anti-aging and immunity enhancement through the antioxidant effect it produces.
※Please receive a G6PD check (blood draw) at your initial visit because administration of the drug can cause hemolysis in rare cases. The results of the test will take a few days. After the test results are available, treatment can be administered at the next visit.
※Fasting may cause hypoglycemia. Also, it is possible that a hangover may cause hypoglycemia more easily than usual, in which case treatment may be stopped.


  • People who are concerned about skin spots and have rough skin
  • People with chronic fatigue
  • People who have accumulated a lot of stress
  • People who want to whiten and beautify their skin


Highly concentrated Vitamin C drip 10g 11,760 yen
Highly concentrated Vitamin C drip 20g 15,960 yen
Highly concentrated vitamin C drip 50g 27,720 yen

Risks - side effects

Vascular pain, thirst, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia (dizziness, chills-sweating, feeling of fatigue, etc.), allergies, shock in rare cases, anaphylactic reactions, etc., may occur when administering drips.

In addition to its antioxidant properties that protect the body from reactive oxygen species, glutathione also has detoxifying properties, so it contributes to beauty and health.
High concentrations of vitamin C are also delivered into the bloodstream at the same time, resulting in a synergistic whitening effect that is even more effective.

※Please receive a G6PD check (blood draw) at your initial visit because administration of the drug can cause hemolysis in rare cases. The results of the test will take a few days. After the test results are available, treatment can be administered at the next visit.
※Fasting may cause hypoglycemia. Also, it is possible that a hangover may cause hypoglycemia more easily than usual, in which case please refrain from treatment.

  • People who want to become whiter overall
  • People who are troubled by darker skin color by nature
  • People who are worried about dull skin


12,960 yen
(Glutathione 600mg 1 bottle + highly concentrated vitamin C 10g 1 bottle)

※Maximum 2 bottles of glutathione can be added; maximum 1 bottle of highly concentrated vitamin C can be added.
(Addition cost: Glutathione 1 bottle 4,320 yen, highly concentrated vitamin C 1 bottle 3,240 yen)

Risks - side effects

Vascular pain, thirst, allergies, shock in rare cases, anaphylactic reactions, etc., may occur when administering drips.

Vitamin B1, etc. using garlic injection ingredients. Vitamin B is very effective in eliminating fatigue. It breaks down lactic acid, which causes fatigue, and combines it with powerful phagocytosis to promote alcohol metabolism through the detoxification action of the liver, resulting in a metabolism-enhancing effect.
The treatment before drinking is recommended and also has the effect of preventing hangovers.

  • Physical fatigue caused by work, exercise, etc.
  • People with eye fatigue
  • People who want to prevent hangovers


6,600 yen

Risks - side effects

Vascular pain, thirst, allergies, shock in rare cases, anaphylactic reactions, etc., may occur when administering drips.

Combined with various vitamins and alpha lipoic acid and amino acids with antioxidant effects support anti-aging from within the body.

  • People with dull skin
  • People who are worried about dry and rough skin


10,700 yen

Risks - side effects

Vascular pain, internal bleeding, thirst, allergies, shock in rare cases, anaphylactic reactions, etc., may occur when administering drips.

Composed of glutathione composed of 3 amino acids, etc.
It acts as an antioxidant and inhibits the production of melanin and reactive oxygen species. Originally found mostly in the skin and liver, glutathione gradually decreases with age. Recommended for people who want to take care of their skin and body health in a unified way.

  • People who want to relieve spots and dull skin
  • People who want to detoxify the body
  • People who want to have clear skin


10,700 yen

Risks - side effects

There may be a rash, fever, and itching sensation, as well as mild nausea, loss of appetite, headache, and in rare cases, shock and anaphylactic reactions.

Use of L-carnitine, various vitamins, etc.
L-carnitine has a metabolism-boosting effect, and in conjunction with daily life and muscle training, very desirable weight loss results can be achieved.

  • People who want to improve metabolism and are afraid of cold
  • People who want to help lose weight


9,600 yen

Risks - side effects

May cause nausea, headache, hypersomnia, palpitations, abdominal pain, diarrhea, thirst, dizziness, frequent urination, and in rare cases, shock and anaphylactic reactions.

Continuous consumption of this product eliminates acne, spots, whitening, anti-aging, etc., and gives skin elasticity and luster.

With vitamin C as the main ingredient, it promotes the production of collagen in the skin.
In addition to restoring skin elasticity, it has the effect of inhibiting melanin synthesis.
It is also effective in preventing spots and improving hyperpigmentation. It is also effective in promoting metabolism and improving immunity.

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  • People who want to eliminate spots, freckles, and chloasma
  • People who are worried about dull skin
  • People who want to whiten and beautify their skin


1,860 yen

Risks - side effects

Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, etc.

Based on L-cysteine as the main ingredient, this product normalizes skin metabolism and eliminates excess melanin from the body to lighten spots.

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1,370 yen

Risks - side effects

Constipation, gastric discomfort, diarrhea, skin rash, etc.

Based on Vitamin E as the main ingredient, Juvela prevents coagulation of blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the body.
It normalizes the skin’s metabolism and improves hyperpigmentation, spots and freckles.

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1,370 yen

Risks - side effects

Stomach upset, diarrhea, thirst, mild abdominal pain, etc.

It is also effective in inhibiting melanin production, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, hemostatic, and in treating melasma.

For spots caused by the activation of melanin-producing “melanocytes”, tranexamic acid works directly to prevent the activation of melanocytes.
※Now adjusting the shipment

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3,300 yen

Risks - side effects

Itchy skin, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.

It is a self-payment medical treatment. The above medicines will be prescribed based on the doctor's examination.

There may be stock-outs of various medicines such as drips and agentia due to shipment adjustments.
Please inquire about sales in advance.

HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a treatment that uses thermal energy from ultrasound to penetrate deep into the skin, thereby achieving facial lifting effects. Without damaging the surface of the skin, HIFU can pinpoint the delivery of ultrasonic energy to three levels of the skin (the fascial, subcutaneous tissue, and dermis).

Through the Triple Approach, HIFU can achieve the effect of a small face lift without the need for surgical procedures. It can improve issues such as reduced skin elasticity and muscle laxity or sagging caused by the decrease in collagen. The HIFU approach can improve the root cause of skin sagging.

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  • Concerned about the nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, and facial contour relaxation.
  • Desire for the entire face to become firm and elastic.
  • Hope to lift sagging areas to achieve a small face effect.
  • Hope to avoid post-surgical swelling, pain, and other aspects of the recovery period.


55,000 yen

Risks - side effects

Redness, warmth, itching, pain, and dryness may occur as symptoms.

This is a treatment that aims to dissolve fat by applying HIFU energy linearly to the facial contour down to the fat layer under the chin.

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  • Concerned about the fat on the cheeks or under the chin.


55,000 yen

Risks - side effects

Redness, warmth, itching, pain, and dryness may occur as symptoms.

Mesogun ‘U225’ is a compact, state-of-the-art injector that can pinpoint the injection of cosmetic solutions into the skin. It not only helps to minimize pores and improve fine lines but also enhances skin elasticity and luster, promising to achieve beautifying effects. Unlike traditional syringe injections, Mesogun can uniformly inject a fixed dosage into the optimal skin layer. Therefore, in addition to facial injections for skin beautification or anti-aging treatments, Mesogun is also used for scalp injections and has garnered significant attention in the field of hair loss treatment.

Due to the use of extremely fine needles and the ability to perform high-speed injections approximately 7 times per second, Mesogun reduces the pain compared to traditional treatments. As a result, even those who are sensitive to pain can receive treatment with confidence.

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  • Concerned about large pores.
  • Hope to improve fine lines.
  • Wishes for firmer skin.
  • Desire for radiant skin.


55,000 yen

Risks - side effects

After the procedure, there may be redness and swelling due to irritation, but these should subside within a few hours.
There may be bruising or scratch-like marks, but these are expected to resolve within about 1 to 10 days. Puncture marks from the needles may remain visible for about 3 days to 1 week.
If excessive sun exposure occurs after the treatment, pigmentation may occur.

Micro-Needling Pen

By using a dermapen to create tiny punctures, the direct application of skin regenerative stem cell exosomes onto the skin is achieved. By leaving micro scars on the skin, the body’s natural healing ability to repair these scrars promotes the production of collagen within the body, thereby reducing wrinkles and sagging, enlarged pores, acne scars, and other signs of aging. It is a regenerative medical treatment that improves various skin conditions.

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  • Concerned about enlarged pores.
  • Concerned about acne scars and post-acne marks.
  • Hope to improve skin texture.
  • Wish to lift the makeup application experience.


55,000 yen

Risks - side effects

Within about 1 week post-treatment, redness, stinging, and peeling may occur.

Deep Massage Peel

Deep Massage Peel is a powerful exfoliant that promotes collagen production.
By correctly mixing ‘high-concentration trichloroacetic acid (TCA)’ with ‘low-concentration hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)’, it will not cause peeling (skin peeling) and can directly target the deep layers of the skin.
This treatment involves gently massaging the exfoliating solution into the skin, allowing it to penetrate and activate fibroblasts, increasing collagen production, and giving the skin a firm and elastic texture.
Additionally, the action of arbutin in inhibiting melanin production can also improve discoloration and dullness.
It can improve uneven skin texture and roughness, enhance skin quality, and address enlarged pores.

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  • Desires for firm and elastic skin.
  • Concerned about overall facial dullness.
  • Hopes for radiant and luminous skin.
  • Wish to improve fine lines.


12,000 yen

Risks - side effects

Redness, dryness, peeling, and crusting may appear within a few days after the procedure.

Clostridium botulinum

Clostridium botulinum injections help prevent and improve anti-aging care for expression lines and other wrinkles by weakening muscle function. They are also a treatment that can alleviate masseter hypertrophy, stop underarm sweating, relieve shoulder stiffness, and make the neck more slender.
When injected, Clostridium botulinum inhibits the secretion of a substance called acetylcholine, which transmits signals to the nerves.As a result, the contraction of the muscles is locally weakened, which can improve wrinkles or various symptoms related to muscle activity.
Additionally, Clostridium botulinum injections can increase the activity of skin cells and restore skin elasticity, not only reducing expression lines but also fine lines, crow’s feet, or enlarged pores.
The effects of Clostridium botulinum vary from person to person, but one may start to feel the effects 2 to 4 days after the procedure, and they become noticeable within 3 weeks to a month. The effects typically last for about 4 to 8 months, gradually diminishing over time.

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  • Concerned about facial expression lines on the forehead, between the eyebrows, at the root of the nose, and around the eyes.
  • Concerned about masseter muscle hypertrophy, hoping for a smaller face.
  • Concerned about underarm sweating.
  • Hope to alleviate stiff shoulders and make the neck appear more slender.


Hugel (Botulax)
Expression muscles: 14,300 yen
Masseter muscle: 22,000 yen
Axilla (Underarm): 35,000 yen
Shoulder: 45,000 yen

Allergan (Botox)
Expression muscles: 31,000 yen
Masseter muscle: 61,000 yen
Axilla (Underarm): 123,000 yen
Shoulder: 245,000 yen

Risks - side effects

Inflammation that comes with itching and tenderness (redness, swelling, rash) may occur, which is usually a temporary condition but could last for up to a week.
After injection, a very small number may develop allergic symptoms after a period of time.
The injection needle may cause entorrhagia.
The results may not be as expected, or the corrective effects may be less pronounced.
In such cases, additional treatments may be possible (at an extra cost).

AGA is short for Androgenetic Alopecia (Japanese for androgenetic alopecia).

AGA is a common form of alopecia in adult male, and it is said that 90% of men with thinning hair today have AGA.
AGA is a progressive disease caused by male hormones, characterized by hair loss around the hairline and crown of the head, with hair thinning over time.

Oral medicine

It prevents further progression of male pattern baldness by inhibiting the process of conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

AGA Image
  • Increased hair loss
  • Thinning of the hairline and crown
  • Thinning of hair strands and loss of hair volume
  • Start getting alerted by people around you
  • Want to start treatment as soon as possible


7,700 yen

Risks - side effects

Finasteride has side effects such as erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, liver dysfunction, dizziness, and palpitations.

Other precautions

・People with a history of allergy to the ingredients of this agent.
・People with hepatic dysfunction
・Pregnant women or women who may become pregnant, nursing mothers, and children

An AGA treatment drug for hair growth.

AGA Image
  • Increased hair loss
  • Thinning of the hairline and crown
  • Thinning of hair strands and loss of hair volume
  • Start getting alerted by people around you
  • Want to start treatment as soon as possible


25,000 yen

Other precautions

[Contraindications to Combined Use]

  • Cold and flu drugs (ibuprofen), ED (erectile dysfunction) treatment drugs, migraine drugs (Imigran), NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)


  • People with heart disease
  • People over 60 years old
  • People with a history of allergy to minoxidil
  • People with hair loss due to alopecia areata or thyroid disease
  • Under 20 years of age, female, pregnant

Minoxidil liniment is a therapeutic agent recommended for use in the guidelines of the Japanese Society of Dermatology.

It can be used without worry because it is less likely to cause side effects and has different symptoms than oral medication. However, be aware that it does not mean that it is 100% free from side effects.

AGA Image
  • Increased hair loss
  • Thinning of the hairline and crown
  • Thinning of hair strands and loss of hair volume
  • Start getting alerted by people around you
  • Want to start treatment as soon as possible

Risks - side effects

  • Itchy scalp
  • Maculae
  • Fever
  • Dandruff
  • Tingling sensation
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Folliculitis
  • Skin tightness sensation
  • Allergic reactions

Other precautions

The most common side effects of minoxidil liniment are skin problems such as itchy scalp, maculae, and dandruff. To avoid the risk of side effects, follow the dosage when using.

※Continuous administration for 6 months is usually required to confirm the effect.


Acceptance time 10:00~18:00