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Cancellation Policy

We will charge a cancellation fee, change fee, and tardy fee, set as follows.
Please be understanding and supportive.

Cancellation and change deadlines

Please contact us by phone before 18:00 the day before.

Telephone No.


Acceptance time

Monday through Saturday 10:00~17:00, telephone, LINE acceptance by 18:00

※ After October 2024, it will be accepted from Monday to Saturday.
※ We may not be able to answer your phone while dealing with other customers, so please leave plenty of time when calling.

Cancellation fee, change fee, and tardy fee

Cancellation and change of date
up to 18:00 of the previous day
Cancellation and change of date
after 18:00 of the previous day
Canceled on the same day
(including cancellation without cause and overtime cancellation)
More than 10 minutes late on the same day
Free of charge 5,500 yen (tax included) 5,500 yen (tax included) No change in fee for treatment within the specified time
Or pay the cancellation fee and arrange another schedule for the treatment.

About late arrival

If you are more than 10 minutes late for the entire surgery, depending on the appointment, you may not be able to have the treatment on the same day.
In this case, a cancellation fee will be charged, treatment will be arranged on another schedule,
or treatment will be conducted at a reduced consultation time and step.

About change of time on the same day

No cancellation fee will be incurred when an appointment is made earlier than the appointment time.
Cancellation fees will be incurred when the appointment is more than 45 minutes later than the appointment time.
However, please note that we may not be able to accept changes depending on the appointment.
In addition, we do not charge a cancellation fee for cancellations or changes due to natural disasters or significant train delays,
but we do charge a fee for late arrivals due to parking garage confusion, traffic jams, a few minutes of tram delays, waiting for an elevator, etc.
Please allow plenty of time for your visit to the clinic.

Please note that if you do not pay the cancellation fee,
you will not be able to receive treatment in the future even if you have made an appointment.
Cancellation fees will not be incurred in case of delayed appointments or schedule adjustments due to our hospital.

If you have any questions about cancellation fees or tardy fees, please contact our clinic.

Our clinic’s unique exosome (stem cell culture supernatant) drip, “High Concentration Factor 9,” is used for beauty and anti-aging care, allowing you to stand out among your peers.



Acceptance time 10:00~18:00