
What is exosome

About stem cell culture supernatant

Our cells are damaged every day due to injuries and aging.
What repairs these cells are "stem cells" that differentiate themselves into various cells and promote regeneration.
"Stem cell culture supernatant" is the clear liquid secreted from the upper layer of the precipitate when stem cells are cultured.
It contains thousands of growth factors (physiologically active substances) such as exosomes and cytokines, which can be expected to produce the same effect as stem cells.

Through the action of exosomes, effects such as cell activation, promotion of tissue regeneration, and improvement of blood circulation can be expected.
It is also attracting attention in the field of anti-aging. Among the stem cells derived from various human tissues such as fat, bone marrow, and umbilical cord, the pulp stem cells of milk teeth contain the most growth factors.

Reasons to use dental pulp stem cell culture supernatant (exosomes)

Advantages offered by the growth environment of dental pulp

Dental pulp is surrounded by hard teeth and is therefore placed in a harsh environment with a very low blood supply compared to other stem cell culture supernatants. It is because of being placed in such an environment that it grows into strong and undamaged cells.
The active capacity of pulp grown in such an environment is very high, with a consequent increase in cell division and proliferation. The greater the proliferation, the greater the variety and concentration of exosomes and cytokines.

Discoverer of stem cell culture supernatant

Dr. Minoru Ueda
Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Advisor, Japan Society of Regenerative Medicine

Doctor of Medicine
Specialized field: regenerative medicine and maxillofacial surgery
Born in Osaka
Postgraduate study at Nagoya University School of Medicine
Joining the Oral Surgery Department of Nagoya University (as a lecturer and assistant professor in the same department)
Studied at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and the University of Zurich, Switzerland
Assumed the position of Chair Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery at Nagoya University School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo
Received the President's Award of the Japan Academic Conference
Visiting Professor, University of Bergen, Norway
Appointed Honorary Professor of Nagoya University Faculty of Medicine
Honored with the Johnson&Johnson Award of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine, Advisor of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine Honorary member of the Japanese Society for Inflammatory Regenerative Medicine, in charge of research and clinical guidance on regenerative medicine.

Published more than 600 papers on cells, with more than 300 cases of regenerative medicine applied to skin and bone.
Evaluation committee member of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), Chairman of the Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Inc.

High Concentration Factor 9 in our clinic

In collaboration with a GMP-compliant cell processing center in Japan, we have independently developed exosomes (stem cell culture supernatant), named them "High Concentration Factor 9," and used them in the form of drips.
Our "High Concentration Factor 9" is a high-quality liquid preparation containing more than 5,000 types of cytokine proteins and a high concentration of exosomes.

4 main points of High Concentration Factor 9

High cellular activity in combination with cytokine W

In the stock solution of stem cell culture supernatant, impurities such as lactic acid and ammonia released from the cells are also present. Our "High Concentration Factor 9" removes these impurities through a refining process.
A cell activity test was conducted by varying the concentration of three solutions: stem cell culture supernatant stock solution, our High Concentration Factor 9, and exosome-only extract, and found that the High Concentration Factor 9 showed higher cell activity than the exosome-only extract.

Content of the cell activity test and its results

Experimental content

  1. Stock solutions for stem cell culture supernatant
  2. High Concentration Factor 9
  3. Extracts of exosomes only
Experiments to detect the degree of cellular activity when added to cells by varying the concentration of the three solutions.

Experimental results

The stem cell culture supernatant stock solution of 1 and the exosome-only extract of 3 show a drastic decrease in activity at high concentrations, which can be confirmed by the graphs on the right (red arrows).
This should be due to the influence of impurities. In addition, it can be confirmed that the degree of activity of the exosome-only extract is also low. Our "High Concentration Factor 9" has been proven in experiments to increase cellular activity even at high concentrations.
Results of the cell activity experiment
Stem cell culture supernatant and exosome droplets that do not show the results of the test may not have been refined by removing impurities and concentrating, or the cell activity test may not have been performed.


We use pulp stem cells from a defined source.

Our "High Concentration Factor 9" collects deciduous teeth from Japanese children and cultures pulp stem cells. It is reviewed by the Ethics Committee, which is indispensable for research in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine that targets human beings, and tooth extraction and pulp tissue collection are performed in an optimal procedure.

In addition, it was confirmed that dental pulp stem cells were positive for CD73, CD90, and CD105 and negative for CD34 and CD45 among the cell surface markers that indicate MSCs.
This proved to be MSCs with the ability to differentiate into various functional cells.

Results of surface marker test data

We do not use pulp stem cells of unknown origin or stem cells that cannot be identified as mesenchymal stem cells in our High Concentration Factor 9.

It is strictly produced in a GMP-compliant cell processing center.

Our "High Concentration Factor 9" is manufactured in a cell processing center that complies with the strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards. In addition to GMP, it also complies with the following provincial ordinances and standard guidelines.

Compliance with Provincial Orders

  • GMPDrug Manufacturing Management and Quality Control Standards
  • GCTPProduction management and quality management standards for regenerative medicine and other products
  • GQPStandards defining product quality management methods for GQP drugs, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, and regenerative medicine, etc.
  • Laws to ensure the safety of regenerative medicine, etc.

Guidelines for Compliance with Specifications and Standards

  • ISO(International Organization for Standardization)
    An international organization that defines various quality standards.
  • ICH(International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) (International Conference on Drug Control Harmonization)
    An international organization that promotes guidelines for pharmaceutical standards worldwide
  • MISEV2018MISEV2018 is a guideline for extracellular vesicle (EV) research standards published by the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) in 2018.
We do not use stem cell culture supernatants and exosomes produced in facilities with vague standards of production control, quality control, and hygiene control for our High Concentration Factor 9.

Examination of cells upon receipt and product shipment

The Cell Processing Center conducts safety tests at the time of receipt of "High Concentration Factor 9" basic cells and at the time of shipment of the product. Only cells that have passed these tests can be used for "High Concentration Factor 9" at our clinic.

Inspection at the time of cell acceptance

In accordance with the Biological Material Standards of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (established on February 28, 2007, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Notification No. 37), the following safety tests are conducted.
  • Sterility test
  • Endotoxin test/Mycoplasma test
  • Virus negative tests (HBs antigen-antibody, HBc antibody, HTLV-I antibody (CLIA), HIV antigen-antibody, syphilis (PRP/TPHA))

Inspection of supernatant upon shipment from the factory

  • Sterility test
  • Endotoxin test/Mycoplasma test
  • Cell-free examination

Total quality management through 4 major safety tests

Our "High Concentration Factor 9" was confirmed to be negative in all of the following tests.

Extremely pure exosome supernatant liquid “High Concentration Factor 9”

Our "High Concentration Factor 9" is fine exosome supernatant of high purity with unlimited removal of impurities such as ammonia and lactic acid in the concentration process.
Removal of impurities is time consuming and specialized knowledge. Untreated stock solution has a high concentration of impurities, and poor quality stock solution may cause side effects if it is returned to the body by drip, so it is not used in our clinic.


Acceptance time 10:00~18:00